ImmPort is always thrilled to support bioinformatics and big data researchers around the world. In just such an instance, ImmPort Science Program Lead Sanchita Bhattacharya, @SanchitaB, from the Bakar Institute of Computational Health Sciences, UCSF, will be teaching during the 6th International BigDat 2020 program in Ancona, Italy.
BigDat 2020 is a research training event with a focus on updating participants on the latest advances in big data utilization and sub-areas such as infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and applications. The BigDat 2020 program consists of lecturers from multiple disciplines across academia and industry, and serves to provide students, post-docs, and industry professionals with the latest knowledge in the field.
Sanchita will be presenting a lecture entitled “Big Data in Immunology: Sharing, Dissemination, and Repurposing,” which will be offered during multiple time slots on January 14th and 15th. Zicheng Hu, data scientist at UCSF will remotely present a lecture entitled “An End-to-End, Interpretable Deep Learning Model for Cytometry data”. Using ImmPort as an example, Sanchita’s lecture will discuss how repurposing publicly available datasets can build our knowledge base, provide insight into new discoveries, and generate data-driven hypotheses. Participants will also learn about the latest trends in data-driven science.
For more information and registration details, please visit the BigDat 2020 homepage.